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Version: 2.0

Adapty Resources

Custom Actions

All Adapty actions are custom actions for FlutterFlow.

Custom ActionDescriptionAction ArgumentsAdapty Data Types - Action Output Variable
activateInitializes the Adapty SDKNone


Retrieves a paywall. It does not return paywall products. Use the getPaywallProducts action to get the actual productsAdaptyPaywall


Returns a list of actual paywall productsAdaptyPaywall


Checks if the user qualifies for an introductory iOS subscription offerAdaptyPaywallProductAdaptyEligibilityEnum


Retrieves the current app user's profile. This allows you to set access levels and other parameters

If it fails (e.g., due to no internet), cached data will be returned. Adapty regularly updates the profile cache to ensure the information stays as current as possible

identifyIdentifies the user using your system's customerUserIdcustomerUserIdNone
logShowPaywallLogs when a specific paywall is shown to the userAdaptyPaywallNone
logoutLogs the current user out of your appNoneNone


Completes a purchase and unlocks content. If a paywall has a promotional offer, Adapty automatically applies it at checkout
  • product: an AdaptyPaywallProduct object retrieved from the paywall.
  • subscriptionUpdateParams: an AdaptySubscriptionUpdateParameters object used to upgrade or downgrade a subscription (use for Android).
  • isOfferPersonalized: Specifies whether the offer is personalized to the buyer (use for Android).
presentCodeRedemptionSheetDisplays a sheet that allows users to redeem codes (iOS only)NoneNone
restorePurchasesRestores any purchases the user has madeNoneAdaptyProfile

Data Types


Information about the user's access level.

Field nameTypeDescription
activatedAtDateTimeThe time when this access level was activated
activeIntroductoryOfferTypeStringThe type of an active introductory offer. If not `null, it means an offer was applied during this subscription period
activePromotionalOfferIdStringThe ID of an active promotional offer (use for iOS)
activePromotionalOfferTypeStringThe type of an active promotional offer (use for iOS). If not null, it means an offer was applied during this subscription period
billingIssueDetectedAtDateTimeThe time when a billing issue was detected. The subscription can still be active. Set to null if payment is successfully processed
cancellationReasonStringThe reason why the subscription was canceled
expiresAtDateTimeThe access level expiration time (could be in the past or null for lifetime access)
isActiveBooleanTrue if this access level is active. Generally, you can check this property to determine if a user has an access to premium features
isInGracePeriodBooleanTrue if this auto-renewable subscription is in the grace period
isLifetimeBooleanTrue if this access level is active for a lifetime (no expiration date)
isRefundBooleanTrue if this purchase was refunded
offerIdStringThe ID of an active promotional offer (use for Android)
renewedAtDateTimeThe time when the access level was last renewed
startsAtDateTimeThe start time of this access level (could be in the future)
storeStringThe store where the purchase was made
unsubscribedAtDateTimeThe time when auto-renewal was turned off for the subscription. The subscription can still be active. Null if the user reactivated the subscription
vendorProductIdStringThe product ID from the store that unlocked this access level
willRenewBooleanTrue if this auto-renewable subscription is set to renew


Field nameTypeDescription
accessLevelIdentifierStringThe ID of the access level
accessLevelData (AdaptyAccessLevel)Contains the associated AdaptyAccessLevel


Field nameTypeDescription
keyStringThe ID of the custom double attribute
valueDoubleValue of the custom double attribute


Field nameTypeDescription
keyStringThe ID of the custom string attribute
valueStringValue of the custom string attribute


CContains details about an error. For a complete list of error codes, refer to Flutter, React Native, Unity - Handle errors.

Field nameTypeDescription
errorMessageStringA human-readable description of the error
errorCodeIntegerNumeric code identifying the error


Contains the result of the getProductsIntroductoryOfferEligibility custom action.

Field nameTypeDescription
valueList < Data (AdaptyProductIntroEligibility) >List of the user's eligibility for promotional offers
errorData (AdaptyError)Contains details about the error via AdaptyError


Contains the result of the getPaywall custom action.

Field nameTypeDescription
valueData (AdaptyPaywall)Contains a list of [AdaptyPaywall](ff-resources#adaptypaywall) objects
errorData (AdaptyError)Contains error information via AdaptyError


Contains the result of the getPaywallProducts custom action.

Field nameTypeDescription
valueList < Data (AdaptyPaywallProduct) >Contains a list of AdaptyPaywallProduct
errorData (AdaptyError)Contains error information via AdaptyError


Contains the result of the getProfile custom action.

Field nameTypeDescription
valueData (AdaptyProfile)Contains the user profile as an AdaptyProfile
errorData (AdaptyError)Contains error information via AdaptyError


Contains the result of the makePurchase custom action.

Field nameTypeDescription
valueData (AdaptyProfile)CContains the user's profile as an AdaptyProfile
errorData (AdaptyError)Contains error information via AdaptyError


Information about non-subscription purchases. These can be one-time (consumable) products, unlocks (like new map unlock in the game), etc

Field nameTypeDescription
isConsumableBooleanIndicates whether the product is consumable
isOneTimeBooleanIndicates if the product is a one-time purchase (e.g., if true, the purchase is processed only once)
isRefundBooleanIndicates if the product has been refunded
isSandboxBooleanIndicates if the product was purchased in a sandbox environment
purchasedAtDateTimeThe time when the product was purchased
purchaseIdStringThe ID of the purchase in Adapty. Can be used for tracking one-time products
storeStringThe store where the product was purchased (e.g., App Store, Google Play)
vendorProductIdStringID of the product in vendor's system
vendorTransactionIdStringTransaction ID in the vendor's system


Information about a paywall.

Field nameTypeDescription
abTestNameStringThe name of the parent A/B test
hasViewConfigurationBooleanIndicates if there is a view configuration for the paywall
localeStringThe locale ID of the paywall
nameStringPaywall name
placementIdStringThe ID of the parent placement
remoteConfigStringStringA custom dictionary from Adapty Dashboard associated with this paywall
revisionIntegerThe current revision/version of the paywall. Every change generates a new revision
variationIdStringThe variation ID used to attribute purchases to this paywall
vendorProductIdsStringArray of product IDs related to the paywall



Defines if the user qualifies for an introductory offer for an iOS subscription.

Field nameDescription
eligibleThe user is eligible for an intro offer, it is safe to reflect this info in your UI
ineligiblehe user is not eligible to get any offer, you shouldn't present it in your UI
notApplicableThis product is not configured to have an offer