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Version: 2.0

Webhook and ETL integrations

Check Adapty's step-by-step guides on how to integrate Adapty SDK with webhook and ETL options such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage.

With webhook integration, you can receive real-time notifications regarding user actions and events. These notifications can be customized and delivered to a preferred endpoint, enabling you to easily monitor and analyze your app's data. Use the following documentation to learn more about Adapty's webhook integration and how to implement it in your app,

Adapty offers a convenient feature that allows for automatic data deliveries of all transaction data related to your app. With this feature, you can effortlessly export transaction data to various cloud storage providers on a daily basis. The data is uploaded as a gzip compressed .csv file, which enables efficient storage and analysis of the information. Learn how to efficiently manage your data and streamline your data management by following our easy-to-use guides: