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Version: 2.0

Webhook integration

A webhook is a convenient and fast way to get notifications about events. For example, if a new trial is started, a subscription is renewed, or a billing issue happens. The webhook mechanism works through a callback function. You set up a URL (called Endpoint URL) to which an HTTP request is sent when an event occurs.

Unlike API requests, which require repeatedly requesting information from the server, a webhook is configured only once. When the target event occurs in your app, it immediately sends data via the HTTP protocol.

With webhooks integrated, you can:

  • Keep track of subscriptions and purchases in your backend system.
  • Automate processes and workflows based on subscription lifecycles.
  • Engage with subscribers by reminding them of app benefits, addressing unsubscribe decisions, and handling billing issues.
  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the user behavior.

Integration characteristics

Integration characteristicDescription
ScheduleReal-time updates
Data directionOne-way data transmission: from Adapty to your server
Adapty integration flowEvents are sent by the Adapty server once they are received

Webhook event structure

Adapty will send you those events you've chosen in the Events names section of the Integrations -> Webhooks page.

Each event except for the access_level_update is wrapped into the structure below. Empty fields are not sent. For example, the line "ad_group": null will not be included into the package.

"profile_id": "772204ce-ebf6-4ed9-82b0-d8688ab62b01",
"customer_user_id": "john.doe",
"idfv": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"idfa": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"advertising_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"profile_install_datetime": "2020-02-18T18:40:22.000000+0000",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148",
"email": "[email protected]",
"event_type": "non_subscription_purchase",
"event_datetime": "2023-02-18T18:40:22.000000+0000",
"event_properties": <event-specific properties>,
"event_api_version": 1,
"attributions": {"attribution_source1": <attribution_data>, "attribution_source2": <attribution_data>, ...},
"user_attributes": {"attribute_name1": "attribute_value1", "attribute_name2": "attribute_value2", ...}
"integration_ids": {"firebase_app_instance_id": "val1", "branch_id": "val2", "one_signal_player_id": "val3", ... }


profile_idStringThe Сustomer user ID of the profile in Adapty.
customer_user_idStringUser ID you use in your app to identify the user. For example, it can be your user UUID, email, or any other ID. Null if you didn't set it.
idfvStringThe identifier for vendors (IDFV) is a unique code assigned to all apps developed by a single developer, which in this case refers to your apps
idfaStringThe identifier for advertisers (IDFA) is a random device identifier assigned by Apple to a user's device.
advertising_idStringThe Advertising ID is a unique code assigned by the Android Operating System that advertisers might use to uniquely identify a user's device.
profile_install_datetimeISO 8601 date & timeInstallation date and time in format IOS 8601: starting with the year, followed by the month, the day, the hour, the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. For example, 2020-07-10T15:00:00.000000+0000, represents the 10th of July 2020 at 3 p.m.
user_agentStringUser-agent used by the browser on the device.
emailStringE-mail of your user.
event_typeStringEvent name as set up in the in the Events names section of the Integrations -> Webhooks page in lowercase.
event_datetimeISO 8601 date & timeEvent date and time in format IOS 8601 : starting with the year, followed by the month, the day, the hour, the minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. For example, 2020-07-10T15:00:00.000000+0000, represents the 10th of July 2020 at 3 p.m.
event_propertiesJSONJSON of event properties.
event_api_versionIntegerAdapty API version. The current value is 1.
attributionsJSONJSON of attribution data.
user_attributesJSONJSON of custom user attributes.
integration_idsJSONJSON of user integration identifiers. If a user doesn't have any identifier or integrations are disabled, then a null is sent.

Note that this structure may grow over time — with new data being introduced by us or by the 3rd parties we work with. Make sure that your code that processes it is robust enough and relies on the specific fields, but not on the structure as a whole.

Webhook integration enables the control of sending attribution and user attributes.

  • Enable the Send Attribution option in the Integrations -> Webhooks page to send the information about the source of app installs from data providers.
  • Enable the Send User Attributes option to send custom user attributes set up from the Adapty SDK, such as user preferences and app usage data.

Event Access level updated

Adapty has a special event access_level_updated. It is sent only to webhook integration every time the access level is updated/set for a specific customer. Use this event to update a customer's subscription in your database/system. No matter what was the source of access level changes, you will always receive a dedicated event for that, therefore it's more precise and has more details than subscription_renewed, trial_started, entered_grace_period, etc.

storestrCould be app_store, play_store, or stripe.
currencystrThe 3-letter currency code (ISO-4217) of the transaction.
is_activeboolBoolean indicating whether paid access level is active for the profile.
is_refundboolBoolean indicating whether transaction is refunded.
expires_atISO 8601 dateDate and time when paid access will expire.
starts atISO 8601 dateDate and time when paid access level starts for the user.
profile_idstrAdapty user ID.
renewed_atISO 8601 dateDate and time when paid access will be renewed.
will_renewboolBoolean indicating whether paid access level will be renewed.

Indicates whether the user is operating in a sandbox or production environment.

Values are either Sandbox or Production.

is_lifetimeboolBoolean indicating whether paid access level is lifetime.
activated_atISO 8601 dateDate and time when paid access was activated.
purchase_dateISO 8601 date

Contains the date of the last transaction (original purchase or renewal).

Value format is:

year-month dayThour:minute:second

e.g., 2023-02-10T17:22:03.000000+0000

store_countrystrThe country sent to Adapty by the store.
event_datetimeISO 8601 dateThe date and time of the event.
transaction_idstrA unique identifier for a transaction such as a purchase or renewal.
access_level_idstrPaid access level ID
profile_countrystrProfile Country determined by Apple/Google store.
profile_event_idstrUnique event ID that can be used for deduplication.

Contains the value of Product Id in Apple/Google store.

e.g., org.locals.12345

is_in_grace_periodboolBoolean indicating whether profile is in grace period.
original_purchase_dateISO 8601 dateThe date and time of the original purchase.
original_transaction_idstrThe transaction identifier of the original purchase.
subscription_expires_atISO 8601 date

Contains the expiration date of the latest subscription.

Value format is:

year-month dayThour:minute:second

e.g., 2023-02-10T17:22:03.000000+0000

profile_total_revenue_usdfloatTotal revenue for the profile, refunds included.
billing_issue_detected_atISO 8601 dateDate and time of billing issue.

A reason why the user canceled a subscription.

Can be

iOS & Android:

- voluntarily_cancelled

- billing_error

- refund


- price_increase

- product_was_not_available

- unknown


- new_subscription_replace

- cancelled_by_developer

active_introductory_offer_typestrType of the active introductory offer.
active_promotional_offer_typestrType of the active promotional offer.
active_promotional_offer_idstrID of the active promotional offer as indicated in the Product section of the Adapty Dashboard

Adapty doesn't send access_level_updated upon subscription expiration - please, refer to expires_at value to end the subscriptions on your side.

Please note that some properties can only be set using the grant Server-Side API method. You can find more information about this method in the Adapty Server-Side API documentation.

For detailed descriptions of the mentioned properties, you can refer to the API objects documentation.

Attribution data

If you've chosen to send attribution data, the following data will be sent with the event:

Field nameField typeDescription
network_user_idstrID assigned to the user by the attribution source.
statusstrCan be organic, non_organic or unknown.
created_atISO 8601 dateDate and time of attribution record creation.
channelstrMarketing channel name.
campaignstrMarketing campaign name.
ad_groupstrAttribution ad group.
ad_setstrAttribution ad set.
creativestrAttribution creative keyword.