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Version: 2.0

React Native - Handle paywall events

Paywalls configured with the Paywall Builder don't need extra code to make and restore purchases. However, they generate some events that your app can respond to. Those events include button presses (close buttons, URLs, product selections, and so on) as well as notifications on purchase-related actions taken on the paywall. Learn how to respond to these events below.

To control or monitor processes occurring on the paywall screen within your mobile app, implement theview.registerEventHandlers method:

React Native (TSX)
import {createPaywallView} from '@adapty/react-native-ui';

const view = await createPaywallView(paywall);

const unsubscribe = view.registerEventHandlers({
onCloseButtonPress() {
return true;
onPurchaseCompleted(profile) {
return true;
onPurchaseStarted(product) { /***/},
onPurchaseCancelled(product) { /***/ },
onPurchaseFailed(error) { /***/ },
onRestoreCompleted(profile) { /***/ },
onRestoreFailed(error) { /***/ },
onProductSelected() { /***/},
onRenderingFailed(error) { /***/ },
onLoadingProductsFailed(error) { /***/ },
onUrlPress(url) { /* handle url */ },

You can register event handlers you need, and miss those you do not need. In this case, unused event listeners would not be created.

Note that at the very least you need to implement the reactions to both onCloseButtonPress and onUrlPress.

Event handlers return a boolean. If true is returned, the displaying process is considered complete, thus the paywall screen closes and event listeners for this view are removed.

Note, that onCloseButtonPress, onPurchaseCompleted and onRestoreCompleted in the example above return true — This is their default behavior that you can override.

Event handlers

Event handlerDescription
onCloseButtonPressIf the close button is visible and a user taps it, this method will be invoked. It is recommended to dismiss the paywall screen in this handler.
onPurchaseCompletedIf a user's purchase succeeds, this method will be invoked and will provide updated AdaptyProfile. It is recommended to dismiss the paywall view in this handler.
onPurchaseStartedIf a user taps the "Purchase" action button to start the purchase process, this method will be invoked and will provide AdaptyPaywallProduct.
onPurchaseCancelledIf a user initiates the purchase process and manually interrupts it, this method will be invoked and will provide AdaptyPaywallProduct.
onPurchaseFailedIf the purchase process fails, this method will be invoked and provide AdaptyError.
onRestoreCompletedIf a user's purchase restoration succeeds, this method will be invoked and provide updated AdaptyProfile. It is recommended to dismiss the screen if the user has the required accessLevel. Refer to the Subscription status topic to learn how to check it.
onRestoreFailedIf the restoring process fails, this method will be invoked and will provide AdaptyError.
onProductSelectedWhen any product in the paywall view is selected, this method will be invoked, so that you can monitor what the user selects before the purchase.
onRenderingFailedIf an error occurs during view rendering, this method will be invoked and provide AdaptyError. Such errors should not occur, so if you come across one, please let us know.
onLoadingProductsFailedIf you haven't set prefetchProducts: true in view creation, AdaptyUI will retrieve the necessary objects from the server by itself. If this operation fails, this method will be invoked and provide AdaptyError.