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Make purchases in mobile app

Displaying paywalls within your mobile app is an essential step in offering users access to premium content or services. However, simply presenting these paywalls is enough to support purchases only if you use Paywall Builder to customize your paywalls.

If you don't use the Paywall Builder, you must use a separate method called .makePurchase() to complete a purchase and unlock the desired content. This method serves as the gateway for users to engage with the paywalls and proceed with their desired transactions.

If your paywall has an active promotional offer for the product a user is trying to buy, Adapty will automatically apply it at the time of purchase.


Keep in mind that the introductory offer will be applied automatically only if you use the paywalls set up using the Paywall Builder.

In other cases, you'll need to verify the user's eligibility for an introductory offer on iOS. Skipping this step may result in your app being rejected during release. Moreover, it could lead to charging the full price to users who are eligible for an introductory offer.

Make sure you've done the initial configuration without skipping a single step. Without it, we can't validate purchases.

Make purchase


In paywalls built with Paywall Builder purchases are processed automatically with no additional code. If that's your case — you can skip this step.

do {
let purchaseResult = try await Adapty.makePurchase(product: product)

switch purchaseResult {
case .userCancelled:
// Handle the case where the user canceled the purchase
case .pending:
// Handle deferred purchases (e.g., the user will pay offline with cash)
case let .success(profile, transaction):
if profile.accessLevels["YOUR_ACCESS_LEVEL"]?.isActive ?? false {
// Grant access to the paid features
} catch {
// Handle the error

Request parameters:

ProductrequiredAn AdaptyPaywallProduct object retrieved from the paywall.

Response parameters:


An AdaptyProfile object provides comprehensive information about a user's access levels, subscriptions, and non-subscription purchases within the app.

Check the access level status to ascertain whether the user has the required access to the app.


Note: if you're still on Apple's StoreKit version lower than v2.0 and Adapty SDK version lowers than v.2.9.0, you need to provide Apple App Store shared secret instead. This method is currently deprecated by Apple.

Change subscription when making a purchase

When a user opts for a new subscription instead of renewing the current one, the way it works depends on the app store:

  • For the App Store, the subscription is automatically updated within the subscription group. If a user purchases a subscription from one group while already having a subscription from another, both subscriptions will be active at the same time.
  • For Google Play, the subscription isn't automatically updated. You'll need to manage the switch in your mobile app code as described below.

To replace the subscription with another one in Android, call .makePurchase() method with the additional parameter:

Adapty.makePurchase(activity, product, subscriptionUpdateParams) { result ->
when (result) {
is AdaptyResult.Success -> {
when (val purchaseResult = result.value) {
is AdaptyPurchaseResult.Success -> {
val profile = purchaseResult.profile

// successful cross-grade

is AdaptyPurchaseResult.UserCanceled -> {
// user canceled the purchase flow

is AdaptyPurchaseResult.Pending -> {
// the purchase has not been finished yet, e.g. user will pay offline by cash
is AdaptyResult.Error -> {
val error = result.error
// Handle the error

Additional request parameter:

subscriptionUpdateParamsrequiredan AdaptySubscriptionUpdateParameters object.

You can read more about subscriptions and proration modes in the Google Developer documentation:

Make a deferred purchase in iOS

For deferred purchases on iOS, Adapty SDK has an optional delegate method, which is called when the user starts the purchase in the App Store, and the transaction continues in your app. Just store makeDeferredPurchase and call it later if you want to hold your purchase for now. Then show the paywall to your user. To continue purchase, call makeDeferredPurchase.

extension AppDelegate: AdaptyDelegate {
func paymentQueue(shouldAddStorePaymentFor product: AdaptyDeferredProduct, defermentCompletion makeDeferredPurchase: @escaping (ResultCompletion<AdaptyPurchasedInfo>?) -> Void) {
// you can store makeDeferredPurchase callback and call it later

// or you can call it right away
makeDeferredPurchase { result in
// check the purchase

Redeem Offer Code in iOS

Since iOS 14.0, your users can redeem Offer Codes. Code redemption means using a special code, like a promotional or gift card code, to get free access to content or features in an app or on the App Store. To enable users to redeem offer codes, you can display the offer code redemption sheet by using the appropriate SDK method:


Based on our observations, the Offer Code Redemption sheet in some apps may not work reliably. We recommend redirecting the user directly to the App Store.

In order to do this, you need to open the url of the following format:{apple_app_id}&code={code}