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Unity - Present new Paywall Builder paywalls

If you've customized a paywall using the Paywall Builder, you don't need to worry about rendering it in your mobile app code to display it to the user. Such a paywall contains both what should be shown within the paywall and how it should be shown.


This guide covers the new Paywall Builder, which requires Adapty SDK 3.3.0 or later. If you're using the legacy Paywall Builder (compatible with Adapty SDK version 2.x and earlier), check out Present legacy Paywall Builder paywalls in Unity.

To present remote config paywalls, see Render paywalls designed with remote config.

To display a paywall, use the view.Present() method on the view created by the CreateView method. Each view can only be used once. If you need to display the paywall again, call createView one more to create a new view instance.


Reusing the same view without recreating it may result in an AdaptyUIError.viewAlreadyPresented error.

view.Present((error) => {
// handle the error