Processing App Store purchases
When a user makes a purchase in the App Store, you’ll need to handle it in your mobile app. Here’s how you can do it:
final class YourAdaptyDelegateImplementation: AdaptyDelegate {
nonisolated func shouldAddStorePayment(for product: AdaptyDeferredProduct) -> Bool {
// 1a.
// Return `true` to continue the transaction in your app.
// 1b.
// Store the product object and return `false` to defer or cancel the transaction.
// 2. Continue the deferred purchase later on by passing the product to `makePurchase`
func continueDeferredPurchase() async {
let storedProduct: AdaptyDeferredProduct = // get the product object from the 1b.
do {
try await Adapty.makePurchase(product: storedProduct)
} catch {
// handle the error
To learn about purchases in your mobile app, check out Make purchases in mobile app.