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Flutter - Handle paywall events

Paywalls configured with the Paywall Builder don't need extra code to make and restore purchases. However, they generate some events that your app can respond to. Those events include button presses (close buttons, URLs, product selections, and so on) as well as notifications on purchase-related actions taken on the paywall. Learn how to respond to these events below.


This guide is for new Paywall Builder paywalls only which require Adapty SDK v3.0 or later. For presenting paywalls in Adapty SDK v2 designed with legacy Paywall Builder, see Flutter - Handle paywall events designed with legacy Paywall Builder.

To control or monitor processes occurring on the paywall screen within your mobile app, implement the AdaptyUIObserver methods and set the observer before presenting any screen:


User-generated events


If a user has performed some action, this method will be invoked:

// You have to install url_launcher plugin in order to handle urls:
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher_string.dart';

void paywallViewDidPerformAction(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyUIAction action) {
switch (action) {
case const CloseAction():
case const AndroidSystemBackAction():
case OpenUrlAction(url: final url):
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
launchUrl(uri, mode: LaunchMode.inAppBrowserView);

The following action types are supported:

  • CloseAction
  • AndroidSystemBackAction
  • OpenUrlAction
  • CustomAction

Note that at the very least you need to implement the reactions to both close and openURL.

For example, if a user taps the close button, the action close will occur and you are supposed to dismiss the paywall. Refer to the Hide Paywall Builder paywalls topic for details on dismissing a paywall screen.
Note that AdaptyUIAction has optional value property: look at this in the case of openUrl and custom.

💡 Login Action

If you have configured Login Action in the dashboard, you should implement reaction for custom action with value "login"

Product selection

If a product is selected for purchase (by a user or by the system), this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidSelectProduct(AdaptyUIView view, String productId) {

Started purchase

If a user initiates the purchase process, this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidStartPurchase(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyPaywallProduct product) {

Successful purchase

If Adapty.makePurchase() succeeds, this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidFinishPurchase(AdaptyUIView view, 
AdaptyPaywallProduct product,
AdaptyPurchaseResult purchaseResult) {
switch (purchaseResult) {
case AdaptyPurchaseResultSuccess(profile: final profile):
// successful purchase
case AdaptyPurchaseResultPending():
// purchase is pending
case AdaptyPurchaseResultUserCancelled():
// user cancelled the purchase

We recommend dismissing the screen in that case. Refer to the Hide Paywall Builder paywalls for details on dismissing a paywall screen.

Failed purchase

If Adapty.makePurchase() fails, this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidFailPurchase(AdaptyUIView view, 
AdaptyPaywallProduct product,
AdaptyError error) {

Successful restore

If Adapty.restorePurchases() succeeds, this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidFinishRestore(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyProfile profile) {

We recommend dismissing the screen if the user has the required accessLevel. Refer to the Subscription status topic to learn how to check it and to Hide Paywall Builder paywalls topic to learn how to dismiss a paywall screen.

Failed restore

If Adapty.restorePurchases() fails, this method will be invoked:

void paywallViewDidFailRestore(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyError error) {

Data fetching and rendering

Product loading errors

If you don't pass the product array during the initialization, AdaptyUI will retrieve the necessary objects from the server by itself. If this operation fails, AdaptyUI will report the error by invoking this method:

void paywallViewDidFailLoadingProducts(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyError error) {

Rendering errors

If an error occurs during the interface rendering, it will be reported by calling this method:

void paywallViewDidFailRendering(AdaptyUIView view, AdaptyError error) {

In a normal situation, such errors should not occur, so if you come across one, please let us know.