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Version: 3.0

React Native — What's new

In the new version of the Adapty SDK, we've made quite a lot of changes to the internal implementation of our SDK, applying all of our accumulated experience. We also redesigned our public API and relationships between some entities so that it causes as little misunderstanding as possible and reduces the number of errors made by developers.

First, let's outline the things that have changed, and then let's discuss every item individually.



In SDK v1, there was a separate activateAdapty function, that you would import. It read one object argument with all the parameters for initialization.

In SDK v2 there are several changes:

  1. It is now a method activate of adapty namespace, so you would only need to import adapty instance
  2. All the parameters besides sdkKey are now expected from the second argument (refer to example)
  3. For a logLevel parameter, you may now import JavaScript-friendly LogLevel to make sure you provide a valid value. TypeScript string validation remains

Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is an example of basic and precise activations for SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is an example of basic and precise activations for a latest v1.x.x version
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

import { adapty, LogLevel } from 'react-native-adapty';

// Basic setup:
await adapty.activate('MY_API_KEY');

// Or precise setup:
await adapty.activate('MY_API_KEY', {
customerUserId: 'MY_USER_ID',
observerMode: true,
logLevel: LogLevel.VERBOSE, // ← can be replaced with a string 'verbose' too


  1. Simplifying the most common usage scenario
  2. Excluding ambiguous functions outside adapty scope

Logging and debugging

In SDK v2 there are several new features:

Error prefixes
In SDK v2 you can now prepend a string to all Adapty error logs. It is ok to call this before initialization and wherever you want.

import { AdaptyError } from 'react-native-adapty';

AdaptyError.prefix = "[ADAPTY]";

Understandable logs
If you were trying to log error message, you would previously see "Unknown Adapty Error", as message was not handled by stdout. In SDK v2 logging errors are clear and concise.
This is an example: [ADAPTY] #2002 (notActivated): The Adapty is not activated

  1. [ADAPTY] is a prefix, that you can manually set as stated above
  2. #2002 is an Adapty code for you to Google around
  3. notActivated is a string representation of a code. It might give you enough info to do a fix
  4. The Adapty is not activated is a localizedDescription field from SDK v1

Error hooks
You can now handle all the Adapty errors from any given place with onError hook. It will send to a callback all the registered AdaptyErrors right after they are created

import { AdaptyError } from 'react-native-adapty';

AdaptyError.onError = error => {
// ...

Changing logLevel in a runtime
Now you can change your logLevel without reinitializing the SDK.

import { adapty, LogLevel } from 'react-native-adapty';

adapty.setLogLevel(LogLevel.WARN); // string 'warn' would also work


Previously, in SDK v1, there were several methods:

  1. adapty.purchases.getInfo
  2. adapty.profile.identify
  3. adapty.profile.logout
  4. adapty.profile.update

In SDK v2, methods are renamed:

  1. adapty.purchases.getInfoadapty.getProfile
  2. adapty.profile.identifyadapty.identify
  3. adapty.profile.logoutadapty.logout
  4. adapty.profile.updateadapty.updateProfile

Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is an example of getting user profile for SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is an example of getting user profile for a latest v1.x.x SDK version
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

await adapty.identify();

const profile = await adapty.getProfile();

await adapty.updateProfile({firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" });

await adapty.logout();


First of all, interfaces are renamed to improve readability and understanding. It is unlikely, that you've imported these to your project, but if you are, refer here:

  1. AdaptyPurchaserInfoAdaptyProfile
  2. AdaptyProfileAdaptyProfileParameters
  3. AdaptyPaidAccessLevelsInfoAdaptyAccessLevel
  4. AdaptyNonSubscriptionsInfoAdaptyNonSubscription
  5. AdaptySubscriptionsInfoAdaptySubscription
  6. AdaptyOfferTypeOfferType
  7. AdaptyVendorStoreVendorStore

If you are using JavaScript, there are several new objects that may guarantee you safe values. You may import and use them as enums:

  1. OfferType for example in AdaptyAccessLevel.activeIntroductoryOfferType and many more
  2. CancellationReason for example in AdaptyAccessLevel.cancellationReason
  3. VendorStore for example in
  4. AppTrackingTransparencyStatus in AdaptyProfileParameters.appTrackingTransparencyStatus
  5. Gender in AdaptyProfileParameters.gender

Below you may find an extensive diff for every profile interface:

Profile interfaces diff
// Returned from `getProfile`, `makePurchase`, `restorePurchases`
-interface AdaptyPurchaserInfo {
+interface AdaptyProfile {
accessLevels?: Record<string, AdaptyAccessLevel>;
+ customAttributes: Partial<AdaptyProfileParameters>;
- customerUserId: string;
+ customerUserId?: string;
nonSubscriptions?: Record<string, AdaptyNonSubscription[]>;
profileId: string;
subscriptions?: Record<string, AdaptySubscription>;

-interface AdaptyPaidAccessLevelsInfo {
+interface AdaptyAccessLevel {
- activatedAt: string;
+ activatedAt: Date;
- activeIntroductoryOfferType: AdaptyOfferType;
+ activeIntroductoryOfferType?: OfferType;
+ activePromotionalOfferId?: string;
- activePromotionalOfferType: AdaptyOfferType;
+ activePromotionalOfferType?: OfferType;
- billingIssueDetectedAt?: string;
+ billingIssueDetectedAt?: Date;
+ cancellationReason?: CancellationReason;
- expiresAt: string;
+ expiresAt?: Date;
id: string;
isActive: boolean;
isInGracePeriod: boolean;
isLifetime: boolean;
+ isRefund: boolean;
- renewedAt: string;
+ renewedAt?: Date;
- startsAt: string;
+ startsAt?: Date;
store: VendorStore;
- unsubscribedAt?: string;
+ unsubscribedAt?: Date;
+ vendorOriginalTransactionId?: string;
vendorProductId: string;
+ vendorTransactionId?: string;
willRenew: boolean;

-interface AdaptyProfile {
+interface AdaptyProfileParameters {
amplitudeDeviceId?: string;
amplitudeUserId?: string;
+ analyticsDisabled?: boolean;
- attStatus?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
+ appTrackingTransparencyStatus?: AppTrackingTransparencyStatus;
appmetricaDeviceId?: string;
appmetricaProfileId?: string;
- birthday?: Date;
+ birthday?: string;
- customAttributes: { [key: string]: any };
+ codableCustomAttributes?: { [key: string]: any };
- customerUserId: string;
email?: string;
facebookAnonymousId?: string;
- facebookUserId: string;
+ firebaseAppInstanceId?: string;
firstName?: string;
- gender: 'male' | 'female' | 'other';
gender?: Gender;
- idfa: string;
lastName?: string;
mixpanelUserId?: string;
+ oneSignalPlayerId?: string;
phoneNumber?: string;
+ pushwooshHWID?: string;
+ storeCountry?: string;

-interface AdaptyNonSubscriptionsInfo {
+interface AdaptyNonSubscription {
isOneTime: boolean;
+ isRefund: boolean;
isSandbox: boolean;
purchaseId: string;
- purchasedAt?: string;
+ purchasedAt: Date;
store: VendorStore;
- vendorOriginalTransactionId: string;
vendorProductId: String;
- vendorTransactionId: string;
+ vendorTransactionId?: string;

-interface AdaptySubscriptionsInfo {
+interface AdaptySubscription {
- activatedAt?: string;
+ activatedAt: Date;
- activeIntroductoryOfferType: AdaptyOfferType;
+ activeIntroductoryOfferType?: OfferType;
+ activePromotionalOfferId?: string;
activePromotionalOfferType?: OfferType;
- billingIssueDetectedAt?: string;
+ billingIssueDetectedAt?: Date;
- cancellationReason?: string;
+ cancellationReason?: CancellationReason;
- expiresAt?: string;
+ expiresAt?: Date;
isActive: boolean;
isInGracePeriod: boolean;
isLifetime: boolean;
isRefund: boolean;
isSandbox: boolean;
- renewedAt?: string;
+ renewedAt?: Date;
- startsAt?: string;
+ startsAt?: Date;
store: VendorStore;
- unsubscribedAt?: string;
+ unsubscribedAt?: Date;
- vendorOriginalTransactionId?: string;
+ vendorOriginalTransactionId: string;
vendorProductId: string;
- vendorTransactionId?: string;
+ vendorTransactionId: string;
willRenew: boolean;

This name reflects the essence of the model much more correctly, because not every user is a subscriber

Getting paywalls

In SDK v1 there you could use adapty.paywalls.getPaywalls(args?: { forceUpdate?: boolean }) that returned a list of paywalls.

In SDK v2, you can't fetch all paywalls at once. Instead you are expected to fetch the one you need via developer ID. Moreover, in SDK v2 fetching full products is a separate method. There are 2 methods available to you:

  • adapty.getPaywall(id: string) fetches one paywall for a provided developer id
  • adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall: AdaptyPaywall) fetches a list of products for a provided paywall. It will be discussed in the next section

Previously, developers had to query an array of paywalls and then search that array for the desired element. We have significantly simplified this use case, so now you can get only the requested object, without touching the rest.
Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is how you can get a paywall in a new SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is how you you could get a paywall and its products in SDK v1
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall('YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID');

Previously, in SDK v1 there was a adapty.paywalls.logShow method to log, that user has opened a paywall.
In SDK v2 there are two separate methods now:

  • adapty.paywalls.logShow is renamed to adapty.logShowPaywall
  • adapty.logShowOnboarding

Fallback paywalls
Previously, in SDK v1 there was adapty.paywalls.setFallback method. In SDK v2 it is now called adapty.setFallbackPaywalls.

// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

await adapty.logShowPaywall();

await adapty.setFallbackPaywalls(jsonStr);

Below you can find all the changes introduced in v2.0.0 to AdaptyPaywall interface. Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • Changes is a diff, that shows what have been removed and what have been added. Comments are provided
  • v2.0.0 (New) is an interface representation in a new SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is an interface representation in a latest v1.x.x version
interface AdaptyPaywall {
- abTestName?: string; // it is now required
+ abTestName: string;
- customPayloadString?: string; // renamed to `remoteConfigString`
+ remoteConfigString?: string;
+ remoteConfig?: string; // parsed JSON from `remoteConfigString`
- developerId: string; // renamed to `id`
+ id: string;
- isPromo: boolean; // Promos are no longer supported
name?: string;
- products: AdaptyProduct[]; // Full products are no longer fetched
+ vendorProductIds: string[]; // List of vendor ids is fetched instead
revision: number;
variationId: string;
- visualPaywall?: string; // Visual paywalls are not currently supported


  1. Simplifying the most common usage scenario
  2. Reduce internet traffic, to immensely improve response time

Getting products

Previously, in SDK v1 a product list was a part of AdaptyPaywall. Now in SDK v2 a product list is independent, although it can only exist in the context of the AdaptyPaywall.

There is a new method to get products: adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall).

Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • `v2.0.0 (New) is how you can query products in SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is how you could query products in SDK v1
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

const paywall = await adapty.getPaywall('YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID');
const products = await adapty.getPaywallProducts(paywall);

Two interfaces slightly changed: AdaptyProduct and AdaptyProductDiscount. You may find diff below
Interfaces renamed:

  1. AdaptyProductSubscriptionPeriodAdaptySubscriptionPeriod
interface AdaptyProduct {
- currencyCode: string;
+ currencyCode?: string;
- currencySymbol: string;
+ currencySymbol?: string;
introductoryDiscount?: AdaptyProductDiscount;
- introductoryOfferEligibility: boolean;
+ introductoryOfferEligibility: OfferEligibility;
localizedDescription: string;
- localizedPrice: string;
+ localizedPrice?: string;
localizedSubscriptionPeriod?: string;
localizedTitle: string;
- paywallABTestName?: string;
+ paywallABTestName: string;
- paywallName?: string;
+ paywallName: string;
price: number;
subscriptionPeriod: AdaptySubscriptionPeriod;
- variationId?: string;
+ variationId: string;
vendorProductId: string;

android?: {
freeTrialPeriod?: AdaptySubscriptionPeriod;
+ localizedFreeTrialPeriod?: string;
ios?: {
discounts: AdaptyProductDiscount[];
isFamilyShareable: boolean;
- promotionalOfferEligibility: boolean;
+ promotionalOfferEligibility: OfferEligibility;
promotionalOfferId?: string;
regionCode?: string;
subscriptionGroupIdentifier?: string;

interface AdaptyProductDiscount {
+ localizedNumberOfPeriods?: string;
- localizedPrice: string;
+ localizedPrice?: string;
- localizedSubscriptionPeriod: string;
+ localizedSubscriptionPeriod?: string;
numberOfPeriods: number;
price: number;
subscriptionPeriod: AdaptySubscriptionPeriod;

ios?: {
identifier?: string;
paymentMode: OfferType;
- localizedNumberOfPeriods?: string; // now crossplatform

We believe that this architecture will provide more flexibility in terms of receiving paywalls and products (for example, now you are not blocked by Apple when you receive a paywall), and will also optimize the load on the servers, which will speed up the response. Also, this approach is less error-prone.


Products outside the paywalls

If you for some reason want to work with a product (or an array of products), please create a paywall for it. This approach is great for scaling and analytics.

Introductory offer eligibility

The AdaptyProduct entity has the introductoryOfferEligibility property, that determines whether the introductory offer is available to the user (for example, a free trial period).

In SDK v1 it was a boolean value. In SDK v2 now it is a string union 'eligible' | 'ineligible' | 'unknown''. You can also import OfferEligibility enum object if you need.

Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is how you can handle introductoryOfferEligibility in SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is how you handled introductoryOfferEligibility in SDK v1
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

import { OfferEligibility } from 'react-native-adapty';
// ...
switch (product.introductoryOfferEligibility) {
case OfferEligibility.Eligible: // or 'eligible' string
// ...
case OfferEligibility.Ineligible: // or 'ineligible' string
// ...
case OfferEligibility.Unknown: // or 'unknown' string
// ...

StoreKit does not provide a convenient and reliable way to determine this value, so we have to do it by analyzing the receipt from the system. Since there are cases when this receipt is missing, we decided to inform you about these situations using the value unknown. We recommend working with unknown in the same way as ineligible.

Products fetch policy

Previously, SDK v1 did not allow you to reliably determine the value of the introductoryOfferEligibility without analyzing the receipt. Despite the fact that a missing receipt at startup is a pretty rare situation, we have added the ability to explicitly get products after we send the receipt to our servers.

In SDK v2 we will try to request a receipt in its unavailability in advance, and there is a special parameter of getPaywallProducts function to get products with a correct introductoryOfferEligibility

On JavaScript you can import FetchPolicy object to validate the passing values.

// AdaptySDK v2.0.0
adapty.getPaywallProducts({ios: { fetchPolicy: 'waitForReceiptValidation' }});

We recommend first requesting products without overriding fetchPolicy, and then immediately rendering the UI. If you get back objects with an unknown introductoryOfferEligibility value, you can re-request products with waitForReceiptValidation policy and update the UI afterward.
Read more about handling such a scenario in the Displaying Paywalls & Products section.

Making purchases

Previously, in SDK v1 there was one method: adapty.purchases.makePurchase, that accepted product and platform-specific offer IDs.

In SDK v2 the method is renamed to adapty.makePurchase. It only accepts a product now. If your paywall has an active promotional offer for the product you are attempting to purchase, Adapty will automatically apply that offer at the time of purchase.

Note that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is how you can make a purchase in SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is how you could make a purchase in SDK v1
// AdaptySDK v2.0.0

await adapty.makePurchase(product);

Adapty signs the request according to Apple guidelines, please make sure you've uploaded Subscription Key in Adapty Dashboard when using promotional offers.

Other purchase methods

Previously, in SDK v1 there were 2 more methods:

  1. adapty.purchases.setVariationId to inform Adapty about paywall purchases in Observer Mode
  2. adapty.purchases.restore

In SDK v2 these methods have been renamed:

  1. adapty.purchases.setVariationIdadapty.setVariationId
  2. adapty.purchases.restoreadapty.restorePurchases

Note that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is how you can set a variationId in SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is how you could set a variationId in SDK v1
// AdaptySDK v2.0.0

await adapty.setVariationId(variationId, transactionId);

await adapty.restorePurchases();

Updating attribution

Previously, in SDK v1 you needed to pass three arguments to an updateAttribution call: networkUserId: string, attribution: Object, source: string union consecutively.
It caused a problem for several sources: they do not provide an exposed networkUserId, which was handled in SDK v2.

In SDK v2, there are several changes:

  1. Arguments now have different order to make networkUserId optional: attribution, source, then optional networkUserId
  2. For a source parameter, you may now import JavaScript-friendly AttributionSource object to make sure you provide a valid value. TypeScript string validation remains

Note, that you can switch tabs:

  • v2.0.0 (New) is an example of updating attribution for SDK v2
  • v1.x.x (Previous) is an example of updating attribution for a latest v1.x.x SDK version
// AdaptySDK 2.0.0

import { adapty, AttributionSource } from 'react-native-adapty';

// AppsFlyer example
appsFlyer.onInstallConversionData((installData) => {
const networkUserId = appsFlyer.getAppsFlyerUID();

await adapty.updateAttribution(
AttributionSource.AppsFlyer, // ← can be replaced with a string 'AppsFlyer' too

As stated, with introduction of new sources, networkUserId became optional. Major library update allows to change order of arguments to avoid passing something like""


Adapty no longer supports Promo Push API. All methods were removed, except iOS native one.

presentCodeRedemptionSheet renamed

Event listeners

Previously, in SDK v1 there were 3 event listeners:

  • onInfoUpdate (profile: AdaptyProfile)
  • onDeferredPurchase (product: AdaptyProduct)
  • onPromoReceived (promo: AdaptyPromo)

In SDK v2, there are only two event listeners:

  • onLatestProfileLoad (profile: AdaptyProfile)
  • onDeferredPurchase (profile: AdaptyProfile)

Deferred purchase event now sends a AdaptyProfile callback instead of a product. onLatestProfileLoad replaces onInfoUpdate and works exactly at the same times as previously

In lieu of a conclusion

In this article, we have listed the most significant changes introduced in the new version, which can be seen in the public API. However, most of the improvements are hidden "under the hood" and are not mentioned here. Of course, we've completely updated our documentation to reflect the new release, so you can feel free to use it.

You can find the complete list of changes on the release page.

Stay tuned for more updates!