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Error Rate

Error Rate

Sergey Zubkov

Updated: July 27, 2023

2 min read


What is the error rate

Error rate is a crucial metric that measures the reliability and performance of a mobile application. A high error rate indicates that the app is more prone to crashes or malfunctions, which can lead to user frustration and prompt users to uninstall the app. Hence, monitoring the error rate of an app is essential to ensure that the app is running smoothly and providing a positive user experience.

How to calculate error rate

You can calculate the error rate using the following formula:

Error Rate = (Number of requests with errors / Total number of requests) * 100%

For example, if your app made 1,000 requests in a given time period and 50 of those requests resulted in errors, the error rate would be:

Error Rate = (50 / 1,000) * 100% = 5%

This means that 5% of all requests made by the app resulted in errors.

How to improve the error rate

Error handling is a technique used to mitigate the effects of certain errors, but it cannot prevent all errors from occurring. That is why it’s important to track the error rate of an app to identify areas that require improvement to enhance overall performance and user satisfaction. Additionally, a sudden spike in the error rate can indicate that significant performance issues are on the horizon.

Another crucial metric to track alongside the error rate is the percentage of crash-free users. This metric represents the number of users that have not experienced any errors within a given time frame. Crashes are a major concern for mobile app users and can result in massive abandonment and uninstallation of the app. Therefore, it is important to keep the percentage of crash-free users as high as possible. The average crash rate for mobile apps is between 1% to 2%, which means aiming for 98% crash-free users is ideal.

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