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Precise subscription analytics for your app

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All your subscription KPIs in one place

Realtime subscription metrics for iOS and Android.
Filter, group, compare with previous periods and measure in a few clicks.

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99.5% accuracy with App Store Connect

We take into account subscription renewals, different currencies, timezones, refunds, and more. All of this works on the user level and gives us 99.5% accuracy with App Store Connect.

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Analyze subscriptions with Cohort Analysis

Understand how subscribers renew and churn, calculate subscribers’ retention, and view dynamics for revenue and proceeds.

Advanced subscription analytics

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Real-time subscription metrics

Optimize ad, traffic, and more with an instant subscription performance data.

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iOS, Android, Web subscriptions in one place

Track subscription events across all platforms in one place.

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Powerful filtering

Split metrics by attribution, platform, and more. Save filter for later usage.

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User level analytics

Unlike App Store Connect, Adapty calculates analytics on the user level.

Forward subscription events without coding