Analyze revenue performance

Make financial decisions based on accurate app revenue analytics

Take control of your monetization strategy by effortlessly exploring all the financial aspects of mobile subscriptions.
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Platform Revenue

Detailed revenue metrics

Unlock key financial insights using a detailed chart that illustrates revenue, ARR, MRR, ARPU, ARPPU, and other revenue-related metrics.
More about revenue analytics
Moonly app icon
Moon calendar app
“Adapty's analytics provides invaluable insights into our app's performance. With detailed real-time metrics like revenue, ARPU, and churn rate, we make informed decisions to optimize our monetization strategy.”
Nikolay Chebotarev
Head of UA at
Img Simple Reporting
Img Predict Revenue 4quartes

Deep cohort analysis

Explore user cohorts to understand the renewal, churn, and revenue contributions of your subscribers in each subscription period.
More about LTV analytics
Img Ltv Prediction

Revenue and LTV prediction

Utilize an advanced machine learning prediction model to anticipate your LTV and revenue data with accuracy for a span of 12 months.
More about AI prediction

All the vital metrics in one dashboard

Check the most important metrics of all your apps on one customizable Overview screen. Stay informed wherever you go with the optimized mobile version of the dashboard.
Vital Metrics

Convenient taxes and commissions view

Evaluate your true earnings by viewing revenue data that takes into account taxes and store commissions.
Convenient Taxes

Convenient dashboard customization

  • Group any metric data by numerous attributes to get more insights.
  • Compare two separate periods to have a better understanding of metric changes.
  • Use different kinds of chart visualization, including pies.
Convenient Dashboard
Weekly Email Report

Get regular overview email reports

Receive daily, weekly, or monthly email reports to stay up to date with the state of your apps. Tailor the report’s content to your preferences and choose to access summary or detailed data for specific apps.
More in the docs

People from all kinds of businesses turn to Adapty to grow their revenue

Enterprise-grade battle-tested solution

subscription events / month
subscribers / month
API calls / month

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