Refund Saver

Cut refunds by 40% and make Adapty free

Adapty automates refund management, handling unreasonable refund requests so you can retain more revenue.
Refunds Graphic

How it works

Refund handling is slow and error-prone. Adapty streamlines
the process by automatically sending the right data to Apple in real-time.

Refund request is received

Without Adapty

Apple gives you 12 hours to submit user activity data

If you miss the deadline, Apple approves the refund

Result: revenue loss

With Adapty

Adapty automatically sends user data to Apple within 12 hours

Apple denies unjustified refunds

🎉 Result: 40% fewer refunds, and revenue is won back for your app

Why it’s worth it

Adapty pays for itself within a month – Refund Saver helps you recover more revenue from refunds each month than Adapty costs.
With an average refund rate of 4%, it c
an reduce refunds by 1.7%, saving thousands of dollars every day.
Why It Is Worth It

Real results

Fotoroma has started recovering $2,500 in revenue daily after integrating Refund Saver. This adds up to $75,000 in revenue won back every month.
Read the case study
Real Case: Fotorama