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Paywall Newsletter #14

Nadya Pominova

Updated: October 10, 2023

4 min read


pn 14 open graph

In this issue of the paywall newsletter, our expert shares his experience on:

  • what the best combination of products is for a Health and Fitness App’s paywall,
  • which apps a weekly option serves best,
  • how to place plans to make them work better.
Steve P. Young, Founder of App Masters

Paywalls of this issue are commented on by…

Steve P. Young, Founder of an agency focusing on the entire app funnel called App Masters, and a podcast host.

Remove objects: They Make $100k but Probably Can Make More

A mobile paywall design example by Remove Objects from the Graphics & Design category
Plans on a mobile paywall design example by Remove Objects from the Graphics & Design category

Who’s to argue with an app that is making $100K MRR, but I would add a monthly option without any trial to make the yearly option more enticing.

I personally like to show all the prices on the paywall to allow users to easily compare which plan makes the most sense for them.

However, given the nature of this app, weekly might be the best option for them.

Remove Objects

Productive: the Best Version of the Trial Toggle

A mobile paywall design example by Productive - Habit Tracker from the Productivity category

This is the best version of the “free trial enabled” button. I don’t have enough data to determine its effectiveness, but I like that the monthly option is there to make the yearly more interesting.

I think giving users a discount by NOT enabling a trial is the way to go with these paywalls, but that’s just my guess.


Glo: Three Plans Could Work Better

A mobile paywall design example by Glo | Yoga and Meditation App from the Health & Fitness category
A mobile paywall design example by Glo | Yoga and Meditation App from the Health & Fitness category — monthly plan

I personally like to show all plans on one page instead of forcing users to tap on the plan to see the pricing. From our experience, 3 plans convert better than 2 plans and within the Health and Fitness category, I’ve seen Monthy, 6-Month, and Yearly perform very well.

Imagine having a 6-month option for $180/year on this paywall. What plan do you think most users will pick?

Lastly, why is the athlete’s head cut off? Is this supposed to insinuate something? 🤔


Pocket Translator Can Instantly Increase Revenue

A mobile paywall design example by Translate - Pocket Translator from the Utilities category

I think this app can instantly increase revenues by adding a yearly option. They can do the math on the LTV of a weekly user but if it’s less than $40, then I’d add a yearly option for $39.99.


Mematic: Weekly Option Would Make a Lot of Sense

A mobile paywall design example by Mematic - The Meme Maker from the Graphics & Design category

Remove the “Maybe Later” text right underneath the button. And add a weekly and a monthly offer where the monthly acts as a complete decoy.

For apps like these where users may want to use it once or twice, a weekly option makes a lot of sense.


Vids: Can Win From Adding a Biannual Subscription

A mobile paywall design example by Vids AI - Reels Video Editor from the Photo & Video category
A mobile paywall design by Vids AI - Reels Video Editor from the Photo & Video category

Again who am I to argue with an app making $50K a month, but I would say move the yearly option up so that it’s the first one and then add a 6-month for $39.99 (which is $10 less than the annual).
I would bet $100 that my way would win over the current way. Shall we reach out to Vids? 🤣


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