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New in Adapty: paywall metrics, menu redesign, last sent event time, and your stars on GitHub

Maya Shamray

Updated: February 24, 2023


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In-depth out-of-the-box paywall metrics

Take a look at the new parameters in the paywall metrics table: 

  • Check how the attracted users pay off with ARPAS (average revenue per active subscriber)
  • Inspect the “health” of subscriptions with Refund rate
  • See how unique views convert to purchases

These parameters have now appeared in paywall metrics and will be also added in A/B tests. Feel free to use filters, calendar, and grouping for advanced paywall versions comparison. Compare up to 10 versions at a time!

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New navigation

The main menu is now divided into two areas – the left and the top bar. On the left, there are day-to-day working tools, and at the top, there are controls that are used less often – app choice, help, account, and app settings. While the left menu may be collapsed as it was before, the top one hides and appears automatically with your scroll. The support chat is hidden in the help section of the top menu and doesn’t disturb you during work. 

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Integration live statuses

Adapty now shows the last sent event time in integrations, which allows checking the status really quickly.

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Over 400 Github stars and counting

We are happy when we receive your feedback – both positive and claiming for changes. There’s now a banner in settings where you may choose the repository to contribute to Adapty’s development and rate us. We received many stars after we’d published it, so thank you for your impact!

Please, support us on Github for any SDK that you use!

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Further reading