For Publishers

Manage all your apps’ monetization in one place with zero hassle

Adapty makes it easy to analyze the performance of your app portfolio in one place. Unify monetization stack, reporting, analytics, A/B testing, and more for all apps.
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My yoga
My language learning
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Largest app publishers use Adapty as a source of truth

Bumble logo (gray)
Impala Studios gtay logo (without icon)
HUBX logo (gray)

Add any number of apps

Add your portfolio of apps to one account. No limits on new apps.
“Adapty goes beyond simple subscription management. It's a comprehensive platform that empowers developers and publishers to optimize every aspect of their app's monetization strategy – it's the ultimate toolkit for app success.”
Ilgar Tali Smartist
Ilgar Tali
Founder & Chief Vision Officer at Smartist
Img Number Of Apps
Img Access Rights

Flexible access rights

Adapty caches paywalls on the offline, device, CDN, network, and database layers. We make sure you get 100% availability in the most extreme cases.
Img Clear Transparent Subscription

All the vital metrics in one dashboard

Check the most important metrics of all your apps on one customizable Overview screen. Stay informed when you’re not around your computer with the optimized mobile version of the dashboard. Receive daily, weekly, and monthly email reports.

Unified, clean, and simple reporting

One dashboard to make simple and clear reporting without external BI. Track all core metrics, including LTV prediction and cohort analysis. Find top performers in your portfolio and help them grow even more.
Img Simple Reporting

All 3rd party integrations in one place

Seamlessly push subscription events to MMP and other vital services right from the dashboard.
Learn more
Img App Subscription Events

Using another or in-house solution for subscriptions?

We’ve got you covered and will help you move your data securely and seamlessly without losing a single subscriber.
Schedule a call to know more
Img Solution For Subscriptions

People from all kinds of businesses turn to Adapty to grow their revenue

Enterprise-grade battle-tested solution

subscription events / month
subscribers / month
API calls / month

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