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Adapty April Update: Segmentations, Offer Codes, Family Sharing

Vitaly Davydov

Updated: March 6, 2023


1. Segmentations2. Roles for members3. Offer Codes full support4. First time vs all time revenue for paywalls5. Other
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While we’re preparing for a big release in June, here’s an intermediate update that makes existing features even better.

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Segmentationscopy link

Each metric on Advanced Dashboard now has a Group By option. Segment metric by Country, Products, Marketing Sources, and other attributes.

adapty segmentations
Group By option is just above the metric name.

But sometimes you don’t want to watch charts, you want tables. Scroll down in your Dashboard and you’ll find it.

country segmentations in adapty
Revenue segmented by countries with a table view.

Roles for memberscopy link

When adding users, now you can choose a role: admin or ordinary user. Admins have a superpower of managing billing settings and adding other users. Find members in Account Settings.

adding members to adapty
Adding members to Adapty.

Offer Codes full supportcopy link

presentCodeRedemptionSheet() is now a part of Adapty iOS SDK. Use it to present a system screen for Offer Codes. Adapty will handle all purchase process automatically.

ios code redemption sheet
iOS code redemption sheet.

First time vs all time revenue for paywallscopy link

Now when you analyze A/B test metrics, check first time payments vs payments made during lifetime. This can help you understand fast changes and long tail of subscribers.

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Adapty Paywall metrics.

Othercopy link

  1. iOS 14.5 full supports for AppsFlyer and other integrations.
  2. Event Feed events are now copyable.
  3. isFamilyShareable property added to Adapty Product (iOS only).

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