AI LTV and revenue predictions
Manage revenue stream and ROI with AI-driven LTV prediction
Unlock the potential of predictive analytics to effectively navigate ROI and ensure maximum revenue generation.
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What can I do with AI predictions?
- Find out the predicted LTV and revenue of your user cohorts.
- See how much you can invest by being aware of the predicted payoff.
- Learn which cohorts are likely to generate the highest revenue in the future.

Predict the next 4 quarters
Build LTV and revenue predictions for 3, 6, 9, or 12 months based on your historical data.

Diverse filtering
Filter and group the predicted LTV data by product, duration, country, and other attributes to find more insights.
Accurate prediction model
Our backtests show 90% accuracy with the real LTV when making predictions for the next 2 quarters.

Cohort prediction
The prediction model is tightly tied with the cohort chart that enables you to see how your subscribers renew, churn, and bring revenue each subscription period.

People from all kinds of businesses turn to Adapty to grow their revenue
Using another or in-house solution for subscriptions?
We’ve got you covered and will help you move your data securely and seamlessly without losing a single subscriber.
Schedule a call to know more