Revenue analytics

Accurate app subscription analytics you can rely on

Easily navigate the financial field of mobile subscriptions and control your monetization strategy.
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App Monetization Strategies

Detailed real-time subscription metrics

Unlock financial insights with a precise chart showing revenue, ARR, MRR, ARPU, ARPPU, and other subscription-related metrics. Track new trials, new subscriptions, churn rate, and more.
Moonly app icon
Moon calendar app
“Adapty's analytics provides invaluable insights into our app's performance. With detailed real-time metrics like revenue, ARPU, and churn rate, we make informed decisions to optimize our monetization strategy.”
Nikolay Chebotarev
Head of UA at
Img Simple Reporting
Group Compare Data

Segment, compare, and group your data

Break down your metrics by various attributes, and compare performance for different periods. Group your data by countries, products, and marketing campaigns to get more insights.
Img Predict Revenue 4quartes

Deep cohort analysis

Analyze how subscribers use your product long term, learn how they renew and churn. Filter cohorts by-products and view cohorts by days or by charging period.

Predict revenue and LTV

Adapty uses machine learning to predict your LTV and revenue data for up to 12 months ahead. Know your revenue stream and plan your user acquisition strategy.
More about AI prediction
Img Ltv Prediction

Taxes and commissions made easy

View revenue data considering taxes and store commissions to know your true earnings.
Convenient Taxes

Industry leaders choose Adapty

Using another or in-house solution for subscriptions?

We’ve got you covered and will help you move your data securely and seamlessly without losing a single subscriber.
Schedule a call to know more
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