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Version: 3.0

Push Notifications

If you want to use promo campaigns, you will need to generate a certificate for sending push notifications. It takes several steps to generate and may take about 15 minutes.

Create a signing certificate

Open Keychain Access and on the upper menu choose Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority.

Choose Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority

Enter your email and name and save the certificate to a disk. It'll be named like CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest.


Create a folder to save all files in one place. For example, name it Adapty Push Certificates

Enter email, choose save to disk

Create an Identity and Apple Certificate

Open Apple Developer and then Certificates > Identifiers.


Choose your identifier, activate Push Notifications, and hit Save.

Activating Push Notifications


Do not configure/edit Push Notifications settings on the page above. It's legacy stuff. The method below allows you to create a certificate much easier.

Go to Certificates section and start new certificate generation

Creating a new certificate

Scroll down and select Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox & Production)

Choose your Identifier and upload a certificated generated on your Mac earlier

And download a certificate as aps.cer file.

Open the aps.cer file in the Keychain and export in as a p12 file.

Export certificate as p12 file

Please be sure that you choose Certificate category! Otherwise you can't export it a p12 file. Yeap, that's super weird.

The last thing, convert your p12 file to a plain text. Open terminal and enter a command

openssl pkcs12 -in cert.p12 -nodes > open_cert.p12

change cert.p12 to your file name.

And the last, upload a certificate to Adapty.

Upload p12 certificate