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Version: 3.0

Android – Identifying Users

Adapty creates an internal profile id for every user. But if you have your authentification system you should set your own Customer User Id. You can find the users by Customer User Id in Profiles, use it in server-side API, it will be sent to all integrations.

Setting Customer User Id on configuration

If you have a user id during configuration, just pass it as customerUserId parameter to .activate() method:

Adapty.activate(applicationContext, "PUBLIC_SDK_KEY", customerUserId = "YOUR_USER_ID")
Adapty.activate(getApplicationContext(), "PUBLIC_SDK_KEY", observerMode, "YOUR_USER_ID");

Setting Customer User Id after configuration

If you don't have a user id on SDK configuration, you can set it later at any time with .identify() method. The most common cases are after registration/authorization when the user switches from being an anonymous user to an authenticated user.

Adapty.identify("YOUR_USER_ID") { error ->
if (error == null) {
// successful identify
Adapty.identify("YOUR_USER_ID", error -> {
if (error == null) {
// successful identify

Request parameters:

  • Customer User Id (required): a string user identifier.

Resubmitting of significant user data

In some cases (for example, when a user logs into his account again), Adapty's servers already have information about that user. In such a scenario, Adapty SDK will automatically switch to work with the new user. If, during the anonymous user's existence, you passed some data to it (for example, custom attributes or attributions from third-party networks), you should resubmit that data.

it is also quite important to re-request all paywalls and products after identify, because the data of the new user may be different

Logging out and logging in

You can logout the user anytime by calling .logout() method:

Adapty.logout { error ->
if (error == null) {
// successful logout
Adapty.logout(error -> {
if (error == null) {
// successful logout

You can then login the user using .identify() method.