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Apple Fiscal Year Calendar 2024

Sergey Zubkov

Updated: September 6, 2024

3 min read


Apples Fiscal Calendar 2024

The new fiscal year introduces updated Apple payment deadlines. Here’s what app developers can anticipate in 2024.

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What is Apple’s fiscal year?

Apple’s fiscal year determines when app revenue is distributed to developers, after deducting App Store fees and taxes. The schedule varies each year, so developers need to stay informed.

As an iOS app developer, you may generate revenue daily, and at Adapty, we help facilitate this process. However, the actual payments are made only on specific dates outlined in Apple’s fiscal calendar. Keep in mind that Apple’s fiscal year differs from the standard fiscal year used by most companies and follows a unique timeline.

How Apple Fiscal Calendar works

The Apple fiscal calendar may seem complicated at first, but it becomes straightforward once you understand the basics:

  • Apple’s fiscal year starts on the last Sunday of September.
  • It is divided into four quarters, each lasting three months.
  • The first month of each quarter is 35 days long, while the remaining two months are 28 days each.
  • Apple’s fiscal year has 364 days, so an extra week is added every five years.
  • The calendar follows the US system, with weeks running from Sunday to Saturday.
  • Each period starts and ends on the same day of the week, and most payments are made 33 days after the close of the previous fiscal month.

Here’s the important part: You receive payments every 4 or 5 weeks, always on the same day of the week (this year, it’s Thursday), for revenue earned primarily in the calendar month two months prior. Although the calendar is easy to follow, we’ve also created a table with payment dates to help you out.

Fiscal monthPayment DateFor the revenue generated during…
October 2023October 5th, 2023August 6th – September 2nd, 2023
November 2023November 2nd, 2023September 3rd – September 30th, 2023
December 2023December 7th, 2023October 1st – November 4th, 2023
January 2024January 4th, 2024November 5th – December 2nd, 2023
February 2024February 1st, 2024December 3rd – December 30th, 2023
March 2024March 7th, 2024December 31st, 2023 – February 3rd, 2024
April 2024April 4th, 2024February 4th – March 2nd, 2024
May 2024May 2nd, 2024March 3rd – March 30th, 2024
June 2024June 6th, 2024March 31st – May 4th, 2024
July 2024July 4th, 2024May 5th – June 1st, 2024
August 2024August 1st, 2024June 2nd – June 29th, 2024
September 2024September 5th, 2024June 30th – August 3rd, 2024

Apple Fiscal Calendar for 2022

Apple Fiscal Calendar for 2023

Apple Fiscal Calendar for 2025

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